Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle - Skin Mind Beauty Hair

Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle

Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle

Recycling used to be number one, but now it’s last. Sophic believe this is the most effective way to minimise waste. They want to educate and encourage our customers to change their consumption habits. They offer salons our product in bulk to encourage refilling. They also have metal pumps that are sold separately. Where customers cannot refill, reuse and recycle, they educate them on responsible waste disposal through the Australasian Recycling Label Program.


🍃 Glass is made from natural ingredients and infinitely recyclable - one of the worlds most sustainable packaging options

🌱 Their glass made from at least 70% recycled Australian glass.

🌷 Amber colour is from the high recycled glass content and helps shade product from the sun protecting our formulas from spoilage

💪 Glass is strong! It helps protect Sophics product and does not leach hazardous chemicals into its contents prolonging its shelf life.

♻️ Aluminium is able to be recycled indefinitely without a significant reduction in quality

⚡️ The energy consumed during the aluminium recycling process is significantly less than that for plastics. Lower recycling costs, reduced carbon emissions and less waste


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