What is Bluelight Damage? - Skin Mind Beauty Hair

What is Bluelight Damage?

Have you heard about blue light damage? Learn about what causes it, and how to prevent it with Ciencia's Bluelimin8!

What does blue light do to the skin?

Blue light exposure increases the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) including free radicals which attack the DNA in cells and results in the breakdown of collagen and elastin fibers. These are the two fibers that give the skin elasticity and strength. This can cause photoaging within the skin which causes the skin to lose volume and integrity. According to research, it also increases hyperpigmentation (which can be darker than UV related hyperpigmentation), can trigger inflammation in the skin and impairs cell barrier function leading to loss of moisture and weakened immunity.

Where is blue light emitted from?

Blue light is emitted from a number of different sources. This includes:

  • Sun

  • Smartphones

  • Computer Screens

  • Tablets

  • Television

  • Fluorescent lights

Did you know...

Sixty percent of people spend more than six hours per day in front of digital devices including phones, televisions, computers etc. Four eight hour workdays does the same damage as twenty mintues in the midday sun - so you can imagine how quickly that adds up!

How is Bluelimin8 different to a sunscreen?

Ciencia's Bluelimin8 serum is different to a sunscreen as it works on the skin's natural protective factors. The ingredients of this product encourage the Opsins (which are the main photoreceptors of the eye and skin to remain on alert and to protect) to work to fight free radical damage and protect the skin as well as repairing existing damage.

What is the difference between UV and blue light?

Blue light can penetrate deeper than UV light into the dermis of the skin. So make sure your skin is protected!

What active ingredient does Bluelimin8 contain?

Bluelimin8 contains LUMICEASE™ by Lipotec in Spain. This ingredient minimises the main signs of photo-ageing by preparing the skin for the exposure to solar and artificial blue light while protecting it during the exposure and repairing it in the case of light-induced damage. This ingredient was developed from a a micro organism found in the Pyrenees mountain range that can withstand high levels of radiation.

Can teenagers use this ingredient?

Yes, absolutely! It can help greatly to prevent Blue Light and UV damage in teenage skin - which tends to be highly exposed to this light. 

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